Black and White

Sometimes things are just simply black and white. You can throw any color or shade on it that you want but when it’s all stripped away, it is simply just black and white.

I’m about to bring my parents home to live with us. My father is in dementia and kidney failure and my mother is crippled with arthritis and anxiety. I can color it with pros and cons of all sorts of hues and shades, but in the end, it is simply just black and white.

They have cared for me and helped me throughout my whole life, now it’s my turn to care for and help them, for as long as I can. And how could I not, it is simply just black and white.

I’ve been blessed with a loving family and precious memories that have colored my life beautifully, but when it comes down to decisions like this one, it is simply just black and white.

This subject is more private than I thought I would end up sharing but life happens and I’m sure I’m not alone on this journey. They never tell you that once you are done raising your children, there is a chance you will get your parents back lol, if we are lucky 😉

Thank you for stopping by and remember to always keep something wonderful focused in your lens ~ 😊

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Published by sherryslens9217

Hello and welcome to my site Sherry'sLens Photography / Travel Blog! I am an amateur shutterbug born and raised a river rat in the Appalachian foothills of southern Ohio. I love shooting the beauty in our ordinary everyday lives. Whether I am just roaming around in my backyard or traveling the world, there is always something wonderful focused in my Lens! My photography can be seen and purchased @

5 thoughts on “Black and White

  1. Beautiful and caring post Sherry. Life is black and white. My mom lived with us for six years because of dementia. When I realized I was having trouble coping, I found a great assisted living home for her where she stayed the last three years of her life. I wouldn’t change anything even though it was difficult. The best advice I can give you is to take care of yourself during this time. Take time to: go to the doctor for your ailments, allow yourself an emotional outlet, find your parents an adult day care situation a few days a week for their mental health, and treasure the time you have with them. Oh, and find humor whenever and wherever you can. Take care!

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