Cell Pic Sunday – Lady in Distress

I have traveled this highway my entire life, north and south as State Route 23 runs from my hometown in southern Ohio to our capital in Columbus, but I never paid her much attention until today. Just south of the bypass she stands in repose. As I looked out over the baron corn fields andContinue reading “Cell Pic Sunday – Lady in Distress”


I haven’t been involved here on WordPress much lately or any other avenues as far as creativity goes. After losing my dad last year, my husband going through throat cancer and taking care of my mother, my creativity flow has been only a trickle at best. However, I ran across a post on Facebook fromContinue reading “Inspired”

FOTD – January 7 – Clematis

Cee’s photo challenge today has us looking back into the sun filled days of summer. https://ceenphotography.com/flower-of-the-day-fotd-challenge/ The trailing vines with bursts of colour reaching for the sky, the Clematis stretches itself out to bask in the summer sun. Copyright © (2023) thrumyeyes291981044.wordpress.com – All rights reserved.

Before It’s Too Late

This year, let alone this beatiful season has flown by for me, and mercifully so at times. As some of you may remember, from my blog Black and White, I moved my parents in with us on the first of March this year. Both of my parents are 82, my mother with crippling arthritis andContinue reading “Before It’s Too Late”

Sunday Stills

***Happy to report that this is my 50th post so far!!! ✨️ thanks for all who have come along with me!! While cleaning out my covered porch before the pollen hits, 🤧 I was packing up odds and ends together and threw the mask my husband and I had made, on top. It made forContinue reading “Sunday Stills”

Lens-Artist Challenge #241 – Spring

I haven’t been able to get outside much lately 😕, with my parents settling in, and this Ohio “grey seaon”, weather! But I managed to escape to the gym the other day and was able to capture a few signs of new life along the way~ Going out my front steps, Down along the lane,Continue reading “Lens-Artist Challenge #241 – Spring”

W3 #45 – My Story

Can You Spare A Square? Can you spare a square? I’m in bathrooms everywhere I must be a necessity, or they wouldn’t be cutting down the trees You look for me before you dare, because I protect your derriere Once, there was a run on me, and I became a scarcity Hoarding cases everywhere,  noContinue reading “W3 #45 – My Story”